A Plan for Providence
Released in July 1959, the College Hill Study included the survey of more than 1,500 buildings between the Providence River, Olney Street, Hope Street, and Wickenden Street, the site of the original settlement of 1636. The buildings were evaluated by a ranking system devised by Antoinette Downing, for which she was given an award by the American Institute of Architects, and which was later adopted into the survey form used for decades by the Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission.
The survey revealed the eclectic style of building stock, transit concerns, and the role of institutions on the hill.
The Study put forth a 9-Point Plan:
1. Create an organization to guide the development of the plans
2. A federally funded urban renewal program
3. A tourist trail of historic Benefit Street
4. A National Historic Park at the site of the Roger Williams Spring
5. Historic zoning regulations
6. Aid to private rehabilitation efforts
7. Institutional activities
8. City agency and city regulatory programs
9. Publicity, education, and information programs
Also included was a 25-year plan for the study area, which were illustrated by the project team.